family getting ready to move with kids

Moving day is always stressful. Throw some bored, hungry kids into the mix and it ups the stress level even more. It’s important to remember that all the anxiety you feel over relocating is probably even worse for them. If a family moving adventure is in your future, a little planning can go a long way to ensure kids feel included and are able to deal with all the emotions that go along with leaving their home.  

Here are six tips for making a move easier with kids:

1.  Let Them Get Familiar with the New House

It might not be possible to visit the new house ahead of time, but you can still utilize pictures to show them the house and Google maps to become familiar with the neighborhood. When you talk about the house, always stay positive. If you act excited that can sometimes help the kids (especially younger kids) to feel excited about it as well.

2.  Let Them Have a Say in Sorting Their Belongings

They are already leaving their home. If they appear to be particularly upset about parting with certain items then go easy. You may have to put your foot down about some items, such as furniture that just won’t fit, but if at all possible, let them to hang on to the things that are important to them.

3.  Give Them a Task on Moving Day

You can encourage the feeling of the move being a family decision by giving each child a job on moving day. For younger kids, it could be something as simple as checking drawers and closets to make sure they are empty. Older kids could be tasked with checking items off a list as they are loaded into the truck or bringing water to the movers.

4.  Try to Move During the Summer

One of the best ways to minimize the stress of moving for school-age children is to move when school is out of session. Entering a new school at the beginning of the school year is a little easier than coming as “the new kid” in the middle of the year.

5.  Pack a Day Bag for Each Child

Pack a small suitcase or backpack for each child that contains a change of clothes, toiletries, books and games, and other comfort items. Another thoughtful addition for older kids is a quality portable power bank so they can charge their electronics on the go. Ensuring everyone has the things they need within easy reach is a great way to make moving with children a little easier.

6.  Be Understanding

Moving is tough on everyone. While you may not be able to indulge their every whim, make allowances when possible. This might include one more trip to the friend down the street to say goodbye or the chance to get one last look at their old room before hitting the road. Even if a thing sounds silly to you, it’s likely a coping mechanism for them. Your understanding can make the transition a little easier.

Planning a move? Put our more than 45 years of industry experience to work for you! Contact Capital City Transfer today, or fill out our brief, online form now to schedule your free, in-home moving estimate.