When you are trying to move your entire residence over the holidays it can be expensive and tricky. Finding that even balance is key to making you move successful. At Capital City Transfer Inc, we put together some simple moving tips for both the do-it-yourselfer residential mover and the mover who is ready to hire a company. Do not hesitate to call us with any of your holiday moving questions.
Be an Early Packer
Over the years we have found that packing is not our customer's favorite activity. It is a long and drawn-out process that requires delicate procedure to ensure nothing is broken during transit. When you add the holidays to any list of things to do it can add an extra level of stress. At Capital City Transfer we suggest you start packing early. This will allow you to spend the holidays with your family and not have you stuck at home scrambling to prepare for your moving date.
Be a Guest Over the Holidays
When you are in the middle of packing, trying to make a huge meal for your family and friends is not the best idea. Take a back seat this year and let another person close to you host the holidays. This will give you more time to focus on packing and give you a chance to just relax while away from your home.
Do Not Purchase Large Items
The holidays always seem to bring the best deals. However, at Capital City Transfer we suggest you hold off on those big purchases until you are in your new home. Adding heavy or large items to your move makes it more expensive with a moving company or harder on your do-it-yourself moving team. A lot of times a company will hold your large items for you, and you can have it delivered to your new address.
Clearly Label Holiday Decorations
If you are determined to get your holiday decor up as soon as you move into your new home, it is important to clearly label every box. It is also a great idea to try and move all of these boxes together, so you do not lose anything in the chaos. The easier you can make unpacking in your new home the better!
Pick Out Items to Donate
Moving is a great time to go through your personal items. The holidays are full of opportunities to donate clothes and toys. We recommend you try donating your items to help lighten your move and help out your local community. Some places that take donations are Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity ReStores, and Salvation Army.
Line Up a Moving Estimate
You will want to work with a moving company that will give you an upfront holiday moving estimate. This will help you set up a budget for what your next couple of months are going to look like. If you are not getting a professional moving company for your next local or long-distance move, make sure to call around and get an estimate on a moving truck you can rent!
Hire a Mover As Soon As Possible
You should never assume a moving company will have availability during a holiday. Do not wait until the last minute to book your move! Like other jobs, it is not uncommon for movers to book vacation time over these days and your moving company will want to make sure it has enough professional movers to complete your residential move successfully.
Call Capital City Transfer Inc today to get started on your next move. Our company will get you a no-obligations free estimate that will stay the same throughout your entire holiday move.
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